19th October 2016
Help us to fight for you...

Social Care is seldom out of the enews highlighting the challenges faced by providers. No-one knows or understands the issues like you do, as you are at the delivery end of a service which has suffered from neglect for over a decade. We at National Care Association (NCA) spend a great deal of time representing your views at all levels of government and will continue to do so.
We are really keen to raise our voices to a level which will be better heard, and that is if you join in.
We hope that you will consider doing this as the Autumn Statement by the Chancellor is just around the corner. We send out a lot of information about what we are doing and what is happening so getting some background just means looking at the website or reading the enews you receive weekly. We have set up a simple guideline for you and I would urge you to put pen to paper for next week as we set out our care summit briefing to Parliamentarians. You will receive an advance copy over the weekend to give you some background to the campaign.
Read our tips on writing to your Councillor or MP about social care.