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Care Providers
It's a tough sector right now! National Care Association is your companion, support, information source and mentor!
We work on behalf of the membership who receive an array of benefits, practical advice and assistance to help them run their organisations whilst realising real savings.
- It's a tough sector right now! National Care Association is your dedicated support and information source.
- We work on your behalf to ensure you receive an array of benefits through our sponsors and supplier. They are able to offer you practical advice and assistance to help you run your organisations whilst helping you to make real savings.
- As a provider of care you are responsible for the care and development of some of the most vulnerable people in the UK, and you don’t need us to tell you that! You want to ensure that as much of your time as possible is devoted to delivering and improving services; we are here to help you keep up to date with the plethora of changes in policy and regulation, training, commissioning relationships and pricing negotiations, that seem to be coming towards us at an ever increasing pace.
- At National Care Association we try to keep our members up to date with developments that affect us all through the weekly enewsletter and regional events.
- As a member you can rest assured that your voice is represented at all levels: in all the important forums where decisions are made.
- We act not only on national and regional policy issues but also support individual members experiencing specific difficulties.
- Our aim is to support members to enable them to concentrate on their services and business objectives. we do this by ensuring we communicate any expected changes through email, facebook and twitter.
- The size of the association and the continued support of our key sponsors enable us to keep fees to members reasonable. In many cases, taking advantage of just one of the available benefits will produce immediate savings that will more than pay for the membership fee many times over!
- Regional seminars are held throughout the country with local and national speakers attending who influence policy.
- Members benefit from reduced fees at seminars as well as at the national Symposiums.
- Members have access to specialist advice helplines free of charge.
- Every members gets free membership to the National Skills Academy for social care and access to the wide array of support and input.
Membership covers the adult and elder residential and nursing care sector, domiciliary care and learning disability. Each Sector has a dedicated specialist officer within National Care Association Board
We are committed to representing all types of providers and our members range from single owner homes to large groups. Membership is open to all care providers including domiciliary care providers and agencies from as little as £126.00 (Annual Subscription) To request an application form please contact or call 01634 716 615.