
The Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit is a requirement for all care services operating under an NHS Contract from April 2018.
Evidencing compliance with the DSP Toolkit will provide evidence to the Information Commissioners Office that you are also compliant with the clinical elements of GDPR.
DSP Toolkit GuidanceFrom Digital Social CareData Security and Protection Toolkit
From April 2018 the new Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSP Toolkit) replaces the Information Governance Toolkit (IG Toolkit). Social care organisations will need to comply in order to meet their statutory data protection and data security obligations.
The Data Security and Protection (DSP) Requirements are ten standards applying to all health and care organisations. CQC will consider how you apply the steps set out in this document as part of the well-led element of their inspections.
Social care providers who provide care through the NHS Standard contract need to comply with the new DSP Toolkit from April 2018.
For social care providers who do not provide care through the NHS Standard Contract, it is not mandatory to comply with the DSP Toolkit. However, it is recommended that providers consider compliance with the new DSP Toolkit from April 2018.
Good Information Governance
To ensure compliance with:
- CQC KLoE’s
- Caldicott principles
- General Data Protection Regulations
- NHS data requirements
Better record keeping and accountability assist with regulatory compliance
From November 17 there are new KLOEs that include Information Governance and use of technology
- Effective – E1.3 How is technology and Equipment used to enhance the delivery of effective care & treatment and to support people’s independence?
- Responsive – R1.6 How is technology used to support people to receive care and support quickly? Is the technology easy to use?
- Well Led – W4.6 Are information technology systems used effectively to monitor and improve quality of care?
- Well led W5.2 Does the service share appropriate information and assessments with other relevant agencies for the benefit of people who use the service?