NCA 2024 Manifesto
Our Manifesto recognises the challenges National Care Association (NCA) members are currently facing.
Confidence in Care
View National Care Association's 2020 Annual Newsletter

Influence and making change happen;
a national voice - a local concern
Joining together small and medium sized care providers, we have become a powerful voice. We represent, guide, challenge and influence change for the direct benefit of the sector, the membership and your individual business.
Real Leadership by Real Care Providers
National Care Association operates with a small team of dedicated staff overseen by the volunteer Board of Directors who are elected from the membership. The elected Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who are or have been care providers. The Non- Executive Directors are based throughout the country and are passionate and committed to supporting National Care Association to deliver high quality services, advice and guidance to members.
Vitally, the members of the National Care Association Board maintain close links with their local Care Associations and therefore local issues which means that the Association can approach Government and its various Ministers and Departments with real issues based on local grassroots issues.
As an independent membership organisation we are funded primarily by membership subscriptions. Additional income is obtained from regional and national events such as seminars and conferences as well from member focused services such as our DBS service and specialist publications. However we have also negotiated complimentary arrangements with a number of commercial organisations who provide sponsorship towards our activities which assists the Association in reducing our costs to members.