7th December 2016

CQC Regulatory fees for 2017/18 – member consultation

CQC Regulatory fees for 2017/18 – member consultation

The Treasury’s is requiring CQC to recover their chargeable costs in full from providers. Last year their proposal outlined plans that care homes would be required to meet the full cost recovery over a two-year period.  The proposed fee increase for care homes is 3.7% and for home care providers 60.1%.

CQC are currently consulting about changes to the fees schemes and have invited feedback from providers.  The consultation closes on Wednesday 11th January 2017.

The National Care Association is determined that our members’ voice is heard.

We asked providers to respond to four questions by the 25th November 2016, with the intention of preparing a response of members concerns on the final fees scheme, to feed into CQC’s consultation.

Read the responses to the consultation here.