Latest News
20th April 2016
Junior Doctor's Industrial Strike Action - Tuesday 26 April and Wednesday 27 April

We have received the following information from the Department of Health.
To assist in minimising the impact of the action by Junior Doctors on Tuesday 26th April and Wednesday 27th April 2016
Junior Doctor's Industrial Strike Action - Tuesday 26 April and Wednesday 27 April
- You will be aware that junior doctors are currently planning on taking industrial action, including the withdrawal of emergency care, on 26th and 27th April. The impact of the strike is likely to be felt for four days - starting on 25th and running through to 28th.
- This is an unprecedented move and the health and care system has never been tested in this way before. Everyone shares the objective of ensuring patient safety and wellbeing, which is why we are supporting the work of NHS England, DH and DCLG in preparing for the increased pressure.
- Social care plays an incredibly valuable role in preventing unnecessary attendance at A&E and supporting safe and timely discharge, putting the wellbeing of people and their families first.
- To help support hospitals over this period of increased pressure, NHS England has specifically asked the sector to consider whether there are any routine, non-urgent, medical appointments or tasks that can either be completed this week before the strike, or delayed – such as routine GP visits or arranging repeat prescriptions.
- NHS England has also asked that the sector does all it can to maximise transfers out of hospital, both ahead of the strike taking place, for those who no longer need acute medical care and are fit to move from hospital, and between 17.00 and 22.00 on strike days (when the Junior Doctor's will return for the night shift and we expect there to be an increase in discharges).
- To support carers and providers in identifying the most appropriate care during the period, NHS Choices will have a specific strike page detailing the extended services being provided in local areas. This will form part of a wider public campaign run by the NHS aimed at reducing pressures on services by a) advising patients of alternative local services and b) encouraging people to take action in advance to prevent health deterioration during period of IA, whilst also maintaining trust and confidence in services.
- Should you have any concerns we recommend that you alert your local Director of Adult Social Services (DASS).
- DH has asked us to reiterate our thanks to all those who are working hard across the country to support the delivery of health and care during this challenging time.