6th July 2017
Information Governance for Social Care Providers Project

National Care Association together with colleagues from the Registered Nursing Homes Association have been working to prepare guidance for residential and nursing providers to meet the revised requirements for Information Governance we all have to evidence now to CQC and to our commissioners.
Here is an update on how the Information Governance for Social Care Providers Project is going.
As you may be aware, the project has suffered some delays due to the unexpected general election but we are now powering on!
Where are we now:
- NHS Digital have now formally announced that the IG Toolkit version 14.1 will be released on 5th July 2017. [See attached document]
- We have guidance available for Care Providers to take them through this new version of the Toolkit, however, we are planning on a soft launch of this material for those who are keen to do the Toolkit this year – mainly the Vanguards.
- As you may know, the Toolkit is being repurposed for the 2018/2019 financial year. The beta version is due to be launched this Autumn prior to a formal roll out in April next year. We are very involved in this process and trying to ensure that the final version (the name will probably change) is fit for purpose and proportional for the sector. It is our hope that our guidance will sit alongside this Toolkit to provide advice to social care providers.
- Now that a Government has been formed, we hope for the formal response to Caldicott 3 to be published soon.
If there are any questions please let us know
Mandy Thorn MBE
Vice Chair, National Care Association