23rd August 2018
Do you want to help decide priorities for health research?

We all expect our healthcare to be safe, but sometimes mistakes can happen that may put patients at unnecessary risk.
Please fill out the second survey asking patients, carers, healthcare staff and the public to rank priorities for research to help make care safer for adults with complex health needs. People with complex health needs are those who have more than one illness or condition, or need care from more than one service, or care in more than one place.
The list of priority areas in this survey was identified by patients, carers, healthcare staff and the public who filled out the first survey earlier this year.
The survey: https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dd4LawvmKayAyVf
Deadline: 15th October 2018
The survey is being run by the NIHR Imperial Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, in partnership with the James Lind Alliance. Contact Anna Lawrence-Jones at a.lawrence-jones@imperial.ac.uk or 020 7594 3149 with any questions. Thank you very much!