30th January 2018
Dignity Action Day

The National Dignity Council lead a Dignity campaign, where over 96,000 champions have pledged to promote dignity. The 1st of February is Dignity Action Day, the theme is Have You Got Time for Digni-tea, and although every day should be dignity action day, this is the day that gives everyone the opportunity to come together to promote the campaign. Dignity is a human right and we encourage everyone to make this a truly memorable day. Supporting Dignity Action Day will:
- Give health and care services an opportunity to share how they promote and uphold people’s right to dignity
- Raise awareness of the importance of Dignity in Health/Care
- Provide someone with an extra special day
- Demonstrate that everybody in the community has a role to play in upholding Dignity in Care
- Remind the public that staff have a right to be treated with dignity and respect too
- Provide a great community networking opportunity.
Dignity champions have dignity in their hearts minds and actions – do you? could you become a champion? - - sign up now www.dignityincare.org.uk . Will you be the 100,000th champion to sign up?
Jan Burns MBE