31st August 2022

Cost of Living Crisis

Cost of Living Crisis

National Care Association is calling on all care providers to write to their elected members and raise their individual concerns about the impact of energy cost and the general cost of living pressures they face. Having survived the Covid 19 crisis, despite the growing workforce shortages, this will see many providers under extreme emotional and financial stress. We have devised a template, with colleagues from the CPA; if you would like a copy, please email us on: Info@nationalcareassociation.org.uk

Nadra Ahmed OBE, Executive Chairman of National Care Association said:

“The impact of the energy crisis on the care home sector will be devastating, as care providers see predictions of increases which are tenfold and more. Care settings cannot generate any savings as all activities and functions are critical to the welfare of those we care for and the winter months will bring additional challenges. Our resilience is completely eroded, and we have not been inspired by the prospects of a new administration, as they have barely mentioned our sector in plans to come up with any immediate solutions!
The front runner, Ms Truss alluded to a plan to divert money earmarked for the NHS to social care when pushed, which completely misses the point that the funding gap cannot be filled by robbing Peter to pay Paul. A whole system solution, which is developed in partnership with providers, for social care and funded to achieve the outcomes, is the only way forward to avoid a sector collapse. If vulnerable people and small businesses are ignored, we are heading for increased pressures on an already fragile social care sector and our health colleagues.
This comes at a time where workforce vacancies are at 160000+ and continuing to increase, fee rates remain woefully inadequate keeping salary rates for our incredible teams lower than we would like. Additionally, the complexity of health care needs for individuals being discharged into our services continues to increase, an unmet need is an increasing cause for concern in communities.
It is time all elected members at both local and national level started to take personal responsibility to resolve the challenges faced. Failure to address the issues could see catastrophic consequences for individuals unable to access NHS services due to medically fit patients occupying beds needlessly. The wilful neglect by politicians for decades will now need to add the impact of energy costs to inadequate funding and workforce shortages!
It is inconceivable that we have no plan to address the looming crisis from either leadership contender or indeed, the opposition. The sector must unite on behalf of those we care for – they are a silent majority so we must be their voice and make sure they don’t become invisible.”

Please click on link below to see some of the comments and statistics from providers:
