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We found 1 suppliers:
Fulcrum Care Ltd
Spitfire Suite 7, Airport House, , 265 Purley Way,, Croydon,, CR0 0XZ
Tony Thiru

Fulcrum is a dedicated care home management support service set up to add value to local care home operators and area management teams. Our team of experienced care home professionals can provide support and guidance on regulation, operational matters and anything else relating to care home management. We deliver this by phone, online or care home visits.
Our Operations Specialists are care home managers, area managers and operations managers who have worked with small to large care home groups. Our Support Specialists are former heads of finance, human resources and marketing from the care sector.
You'll have a dedicated Care Manager, with care home management experience and senior manager back-up, who works as if based in your office, plus scalable support when you need it and management cover for holidays or sickness.