Our Events
NCA Webinar 5th November
Virtual, Zoom
11:30am - 12:30pm

DOWNLOAD THE CARE HUB PRESENTATION National Care Association Webinar | Scott Sherriden (hubspotpagebuilder.com)
Free webinar for NCA members, including an update from Nadra Ahmed OBE on the latest sector developments
Our webinar will bring guest panellists; Oonagh Smyth CEO of Skills for Care, Scott Sherridan, Managing Director of The Care Hub and members of the NCA Board together to advise, guide and answer your most pressing questions.
The webinar will take place via zoom, there is limited availability and places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
Please email Lesley.stewart@nationalcareassociation.org.uk to secure your place.
Please ensure you include your name, membership number and email address in your booking to confirm you place at the webinar.
If you have a question you would like the panel to discuss please include this within your booking email. We will endeavour to get through all questions we receive during the webinar. We will continue holding future webinars with our board if you are unable to attend this time.
About our panel
Scott Sherridan, The Care Hub
Chairs introduction: Our next speaker is Scott Sherriden, who is the Founder and Managing Director of The Care Hub. The Care Hub is a specialist Recruitment Process Outsourcing Company that is dedicated to serving the Adult Social Care Sector. When Scott set up the business in 2016, initially, it was to help residential and nursing care providers to eliminate their high agency costs and dependency and to ensure providers were hiring the right people with the right values. Over the last few years, The Care Hub has expanded its services to Support, Domiciliary and Home Care providers to drive growth and they have a high focus on employee retention and engagement. The Care Hub's clients range from a small, 21 person domiciliary care provider, through to large PLC's and pretty much everything in between.
Oongah Smyth, Skills for Care
Oonagh Smyth is CEO of Skills for Care. For seven years she was Executive Director of Strategy and Influence at Mencap leading a directorate of around 500 people across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Oonagh has held roles at the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action and the Northern Ireland Equality Commission, senior roles in Westminster Equalities Partnership and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. She is a former Co-Chair of the Care and Support Alliance, which is a cross-sector alliance of 80 social care organisations influencing at the highest government levels.