Our Events
NCA Members Webinar (23rd June 2020)
ZOOM, webinar
13:30pm - 14:30pm

Our webinars to date have seen members have their questions answered by our board on; LA funding, verifying deaths, CQC Emergency Support Framework, insurance, capacity tracker, referrals, NHS mail, admissions, sourcing PPE, PPE costs and VAT, Covid-19 testing, visitors, staffing... and much much more.
Following the success of these webinars Nadra Ahmed OBE and members of the NCA board along with Tish Hanifan from SOLLA, will be hosting another webinar to discuss the challenges you face and answer your specific questions.
The webinar will take place via zoom, there is limited availability and places will be offered on a first come first served basis, to secure your place please email us via the link below.
We will endeavour to get through all questions we receive during the webinar. We will continue holding future webinars with our board if you are unable to attend this time.
Please ensure you include your name, membership number and email address in your booking to confirm you place at the webinar.
Please email Lesley.stewart@nationalcareassociation.org.uk to secure your place.