National Care Association - motivated by the need for a strong and influential representation at a national level, we are the respected voice of the independent care sector.

Read our 2024 Manifesto here >

Representing small and medium sized care providers and affiliated local associations, National Care Association liaise with national Government at a political and departmental level; Local Government and key stakeholder groups including the NHS and CQC.

National Care Association is particularly well connected across the health and care sector; from our members who provide the care and support through to our working relationship with Ministers and Senior Civil Servants. We represent our members by being around the table when it matters – ensuring the voice of the care sector is heard.

On a practical level National Care Association is an essential part of the care provider’s toolkit. Our members benefit from DBS online services, toolkits, business and bulk purchase discounts, legal and employment advice, as well as information, support and guidance through the regulatory and policy issues that affect us all.

We communicate regularly with our members through enews updates, seminars and workshops. Available for expert sector advice when its needed we ensure our members are as informed as possible to face the challenges ahead.

National Care Association is a not for profit company limited by guarantee formed in 1981.

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Learn more about what we offers our members.

Our Members across all our sectors of membership receive an array of benefits and assistance as part of their annual membership fee.